Good to have you here!

Mindset - Texts - Conscious Living

Maybe you already know me as a copywriter, yoga teacher, mentor
or even through my travels around the world.
And if we haven't run into each other yet, I'm glad it's happening now!

Wondering what to expect here?
A mixture of copywritingyoga and a healthy, conscious lifestyle.
Those facets that make up my life.
Wonderful ways we can work together.

I want to think of things in new and different ways, questioning, bold and curious.
Creating connections where there is no "either" "or":

Heart & Head, Clarity & Creativity, Strategy & Intuition, Science & Spirituality.
My mission is to create a balance for you, as none exists without the other and all parts are needed in our lives.

All this is accompanied by words that stay not only in the mind but in the heart.

This is where effective words meet science and consciousness raising

It is certainly no coincidence that you are here.
Let's dive into the world of personal development,
holistic health & thoughtful words together.
Everything starts with you - with you.
Right HERE and NOW.
Sustainable, appreciative, intensive & genuine.

Es ist sicherlich kein Zufall,
dass du gerade hier bist.
Lass´ uns gemeinsam in die Welt
der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung &
ganzheitlicher Gesundheit

Begleitet von
Worten, die deine Geschichte schreiben.

Alles beginnt bei dir.
Hier & Jetzt.

Nachhaltig, wertschätzend, intensiv & echt.

The topics of stress management, resilience and self-leadership are becoming increasingly important in our private lives, but also in the work and business context. It takes a strong, vital body and mind to master everyday and professional challenges. Because we often lose ourselves in the outside world and are constantly searching. In search of fulfilment, satisfaction and self-determination.

We compare, doubt and feel a little lost some days between all the possibilities that are available to us. We look at what is not working or missing at the moment, instead of looking at what is already working and already present in our lives. We would like to have quick solutions to our challenges and desires in life - but nothing happens overnight that has been built up (unconsciously) over years.

...the key to personal success, happiness and satisfaction, however, already lies within you: this is where it all begins.
Inside. With you. If you want abundance on the outside, you first need abundance on the inside. That is the foundation for everything!

What does it take? Self-confidence, intuition (which needs to be rebuilt!), constructive thoughts and absolute commitment to your path. Don't give up, keep at it, go the extra mile - step by step, a little bit every day. And it will pay off for you & your life! Sustainability is the key! Especially in this fast-paced and constantly changing world, the question of inner strength and focus becomes even more important.

What do I stand for, what makes me special and what do I want to convey?
What (life) goals am I pursuing? How do I define success?
What is important and valuable to me in life? What can become more or less?
What are the stories I tell myself every day about why I keep limiting myself?
How can I escape the stress spiral, the hamster wheel and build resilience?

Maybe you have already attended a few seminars or training courses that only motivated you in the short term but had no lasting effect because the magic quickly wore off.
So if you are not looking for quick solutions, but are interested in intensive, profound growth, if you finally want to take responsibility for yourself, your life and your goals, then you have come to the right place.
With the Female YOUniversity we create a valuable, unique space for individual (further) development, exchange & empowerment.

All this is accompanied by words that stay not only in the head, but in the heart.

“The world changes by your example, not by your opinion”.
~ P. Coelha ~

Hi, I'm Sarah!

Expert for effective words, yoga teacher and business psychologist

...but most of all I love my multi-faceted life, which consists of travelling, yoga and writing.

I am passionate about empowering you in your professional and personal growth, for a life of health, self-determination & contentment.

To support you in making your soul business texts effective and authentic to share with the world.

I work with people who are brave enough to question the status quo, see change as an opportunity and really want to make a difference in this world.

With YOUniversity, I want to create a platform where people can exchange ideas, learn with and from each other.


„If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.“
~ M. Angelou ~
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